Interface ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<Member>, PaginationAction<Member,ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction>, RestAction<@Unmodifiable List<Member>>

public interface ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction extends PaginationAction<Member,ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction>
PaginationAction that paginates the scheduled event users endpoint.
Note that this implementation is not considered thread-safe as modifications to the cache are not done with a lock. Calling methods on this class from multiple threads is not recommended.

Minimum - 1
Maximum - 100


 // Get every member interested in this event and add the members names to a list
 public static void getInterestedMembers(ScheduledEvent event) {
      // get paginator
      ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction members = event.retrieveInterestedMembers();
      // add the name of every interested member to a list
      ArrayList<String> memberNames = new ArrayList();
      members.forEachAsync(member -> memberNames.add(member.getEffectiveName()));
  • Method Details

    • getGuild

      @Nonnull Guild getGuild()
      The current target Guild for this ScheduledEventMembersPaginationAction.
      The never-null target Guild