Interface ReplyCallbackAction

All Superinterfaces:
FluentRestAction<InteractionHook,ReplyCallbackAction>, InteractionCallbackAction<InteractionHook>, MessageCreateRequest<ReplyCallbackAction>, MessageData, MessageRequest<ReplyCallbackAction>, RestAction<InteractionHook>

A InteractionCallbackAction which can be used to send a message reply for an interaction.
You can use setEphemeral(boolean) to hide this message from other users.
  • Method Details

    • closeResources

      Description copied from interface: InteractionCallbackAction
      Closes all owned resources used for this request.

      This closes all files added, if applicable.

      Specified by:
      closeResources in interface InteractionCallbackAction<InteractionHook>
      This instance for chaining.
    • setEphemeral

      @Nonnull @CheckReturnValue ReplyCallbackAction setEphemeral(boolean ephemeral)
      Set whether this message should be visible to other users.
      When a message is ephemeral, it will only be visible to the user that used the interaction.

      Ephemeral messages have some limitations and will be removed once the user restarts their client.

      Note: Your message can appear ephemeral in several cases:
      • In guilds the bot is not a member of, if the member is unable to use external application, this usually happens for user-installed commands
      • If the interaction user is unable to send messages
      • If the content contains elements the user does not have the permission to send (like files or embeds)
      • If the content triggered AutoMod
      ephemeral - True, if this message should be invisible for other users
      The same reply action, for chaining convenience